unique pictures

Hand in Hand

Hand in Hand

My name is Gabika and I have been painting for more than two years. It is my hobby that helps me financially cover rehabilitation. I completed seventeen rehabilitation stays at ADELI, and each stay means progress for me, because in the beginning I walked with braces and now I can walk on my own. In addition to my hobby of painting, I study traditional Chinese medicine. After completing my studies, I will use knowledge from this field not only for my needs and treatment, but I also want to help other people.

Actual price:


Puss in Boots

Puss in Boots

My name is Šárka, I am 11 years old and I have a sister, Eliška, who is my twin. Like my sister, I am also an animal lover. My big dream is to have a farm with animals and a tractor to drive around the farm and take care of the animals. I would like to breed horses.

I like to read, listen to CDs and watch fairy tales by Pavol Dobšinský, Andersen and the Brothers Grimm. I can’t wait until Christmas, when there will be new stories on TV.

I found inspiration for my painting in the fairy tale “Puss in Boots” and painted this one. I was captivated by a tomcat who was smart and intelligent, he liked to help his master. I loved his tall boots and feathered hat. I am happy that my sister and I could come to ADELI again and participate in painting with such great painters. Thank you.



David Fritzsche

I am 37 years old and I live in a German town known for motorcycles – Zschopau, near the border with the Czech Republic. When I was 26, I suffered a massive brain bleed and suffered from locked-in syndrome, a condition of complete paralysis of both my limbs and face, for 3 years. I am currently studying sports and history at the Teachers Institute of the University of Leipzig. I painted my very first assistant Tino, who was my loyal guide for 3 years.

A Mountain in the Sea

Adam Vichr 

When adrenaline is around, Adam notices. He just loves it. As well as motorcycles, bicycles, sports. It’s all his life and not even an accident on a motorcycle stopped him. He wants a new bicycle for Christmas. In the painting, in which he is joining the academic professionalism and talent of Janka Farmanová with a distinctive color, he proved that even after a serious injury, life does not have to lose its color. And Adam, who hasn’t thrown in the towel, but regularly fights “fate”, thanks to demanding but extremely helpful rehabilitations, is proof of that.

The Tree of Knowledge

Stanislava Hudačkova 

Stanka is a very talented woman full of ideas, thoughts, and a desire to live her life to the fullest. She writes her own books and poems. Pope Francis and a famous Czech singer Lucie Bíla are also owners of her book of poetry. She simply has the gift of creation. ADELI Medical Center fits perfectly into the project of a unique combination of academic painters and patients. Life has probed her with great tests resulting from her disability, she has suffered from cerebral palsy since childhood. Her family and her 6 siblings have been helping her all her life. She loves nature and her native region around Stará Ľubovňa. She wants to be with her closest people for Christmas. As she herself says: “I got the Slavic name Stanislava in the wreath. Women with this name are said to be gentle and brave. They know how to fight their way through life. So I fight and fight as hard as I can :)” Her work is very juicy and tasty 🙂

An Optimist

Peter Laurenčík 

Peter, as he says about himself, had two lives. The one before the defeat, when he was a successful, busy businessman, an avid skydiver, and the other after the defeat, which brought real values ​​to his life. Love of family, support of friends and peace of mind. Peter went through a trial by fire after his stroke. He went limp, and in addition, the part of his brain responsible for speech began to sublimate. Three months after the stroke, he began to lose the ability to communicate with his environment. This can really take a toll on a person mentally. In addition, he was losing his balance, and his life was fundamentally changing. The money he earned at the expense of his health, he had to invest in healthcare after his challenges. “I’m satisfied, even if I’m moving forward with little steps:” says the optimist Peter. That’s how he named the unique painting he created with academic painter Jana Farmanová. Peter works out not only in ADELI, but also in home fitness. His speech has also developed thanks to speech therapists. The brain has the miraculous ability that another center in the brain takes over the functions of the dead part. Peter values ​​family, friendship, animals. He has horses and a donkey. He lives the life he has left with the utmost respect and humility.

The Living Revives the Inanimate

Ingrid Vargová 

Ingrid is in great caring hands – her mother’s. Ingrid adores music, art and likes to go to nature, where she breathes fresh air, she loves it. For Christmas, she wishes for peace and family well-being. She had the honor of finishing Janka Farmanová’s work and chose to revive inanimate objects with a beautiful red color.

The Journey to Light

Janet Jakubíková 

Janet helped others all her life as a nurse. But then came a shock and a break – that, which only life can bring. Janet was hit by the so-called long COVID, her body began to be weaker and weaker and she felt excruciating pain that only morphine could relieve. The worst thing is when, together with your health, you also lose all the safe spaces around you. Janet lost her job, her husband who left her and the dancing and hiking she loved so much. However, thanks to intensive rehabilitation, she is progressing and soothing both physical and psychological pain. For her, painting is a wonderful therapy and an expression of her inner depths. The way she painted together with the academic painter Jana Farmanová is a clear proof that she is mentally in top condition and that her vision of the world is unique and deep.


Laisa Hansen 

Laisa is simply a bright little angel. She is ADELI’s little angel, and a guide to her severely handicapped brother with Down syndrome, Tjore Jon, living with their parents in Hainburg. They had a great time with Katka Vavrová, who was finishing Laisa’s painting. Laisa likes to draw, paint and likes electro music, which is also Katka’s secret passion 🙂 When Katka saw Laisa, her little precious personality inspired her so much that she transformed it into a picture in which Laisa is in Wonderland – just like her brother in ADELI, the land of small miracles that can literally change his life.

Two Hearts in One Face

Lenka Ščepanková 

Lenka loves literature and airplanes, she is also interested in politics and football, which is unusual for a girl her age. Her dream is to go to Barcelona to the huge football stadium of FC Barcelona 🙂 She has an excellent memory for names in the calendar, she knows exactly who has a name day and when. Her painting bears the poetic title “Two hearts in one face” – it is dominated by hands, and Pavel Herman breathed a truly unique spirit into this unique artistic view.

Are you interested in Two Hearts in One Face?

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