unique pictures

Join the auction of unique paintings by top Slovak painters who combined their art with the creative work of patients from ADELI. By buying these paintings you give them a chance to get HEALTHY.

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The Unique paintings project was established in the fall of 2021, when the director of the ADELI Foundation, Zuzana Cyprichová and her team, were looking for ways to reach out to potential donors and interest them in the idea of supporting the treatment of clients at ADELI. The project combines the art of leading world-renowned Slovak artists with the artistic expression of patients with neurological disabilities. The paintings are distinct, but united by a common theme, which each patient and artist grasped uniquely.

The Unique paintings were created by the ADELI foundation
The creation of the paintings took place at an art workshop, where artists accompanied and guided patients with work with a brush, canvas, and paints. There were rare human connections and unique cooperation with a completely unique result.
Artistic expression of people whose greatness of soul exceeds the capabilities of their body, was completed by top artists with respect, awe, and love. The result are paintings that are a celebration of playfulness, desires, dreams, and deep humanity.
The first artists who started this exceptional project with the ADELI Foundation were Marek Oramandík and Karol Zbyšo Felix. We continued with the second year, where Katarína Vavrová, Fero Lipták and Pavel Herman also participated.

Katka Vavrová, Jana Farmanová and Pavel Herman are also involved in the Christmas edition of Unique Pictures 2023

A new, unique series of unique paintings was created, which offers art lovers another dimension of connecting people who need help and personalities who want to help and invest their talent in health services. For lovers of unique art, there is a rare opportunity. Opportunity to support patients that demand rehabilitation at ADELI – by purchasing works in our auction.



Artists signed together with our patients under unique paintings

Katarína VAVROVÁ

Katarína VAVROVÁ (1964) is a top representative of the imaginative - poetic line of contemporary Slovak visual art. Studying book illustration under the guidance of prof. Brunovský and prof. Ondreička. She is the author of hundreds of illustrations, bookplates, drawings and paintings with unmistakable handwriting. Her figurative work centers on the emotions of a woman, her tenderness, passion and the passage of time, represented and collected awards at hundreds of competitions and exhibitions all over the world.


Pavel HERMAN (1948) is a magician of emotion on screen. Painter, graphic artist and teacher, he graduated from the department of painting - graphics at the Academy painter Ľuboš Bartoš. Thematically, his work is broad and concerns not only urban and natural scenery. An equally attractive subject for him is a woman - a female figure.
In his works, he delves deeply into the emotional world, the world of deep human experiences. In his paintings, he captures sadness, loneliness, desire and expectation. The color of the paintings is typical for Herman. He also works on monumental works. Psychotronicists say that his work is full of positive energy, so his involvement in the health promotion project is completely appropriate.


Jana Farmanová is a figurative artist, she works with the painting gesture as a cultivated, concentrated painting construction unit. She paints what she is living trough, but also that, which exists outside the picture frame. She is interested in the topics of women and her world, her physicality and transformation, the process of maturing from a girl to a young woman, but also her maturity, cyclicity and motherhood. It reflects questions of love and interpersonal relationships, partnerships and family, including the relationship between mother and daughter. A specific place belongs to her relationship with nature, roots, home, identity, both personal and collective. She interprets her own observation and perception of the world, which she comments on through a subjective point of view, through a personal lived experience or sensory experience that deeply touches her. In 2015, she published a thematic publication for the exhibition in the Bratislava City Gallery called Jana Farmanová: In the sign of a virgin. She is one of the most important painters of the contemporary Slovak and Czech art scene, respected both by viewers and art collectors.


Fero LIPTÁK (1962) graduated from the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava in the field of scenography with prof. Vychodil. As a scenographer, he realized more than 90 theater plays in the Central European area, as well as feature-length and television films. He is also involved in film as an architect and artist. In his free work, artistic designs for interiors and exteriors dominate, his illustrations and paintings carry characteristic handwriting. His artistic expression is characterized by inner humor, sincerity and love for unusual stories with characters on the verge of comedy and tragedy.


Marek Ormandík (1968) is a prominent representative of the middle generation of Slovak painting. Illustrator, graphic artist, sculptor and graphic designer. He studied graphic design and book design at VŠVU under the guidance of professors Rumanský and Kállay and docent Lebiš. He is known for his expressive artistic expresion, monumental and energetic. He is focusing on the great crises of human history as well as the human of the present. It often refers to stories from the Bible or mythology. He has dozens of awards from Slovakia and around the world, he has exhibited all over Europe.


Karol Felix (1961) is an award-winning Slovak artist, primarily in graphics, in the field of book illustration, graphic designs for stamps and ex libris. He studied at VŠVU in Bratislava at the department of free graphics and book creation - with professor Albín Brunovský. He experiments with artistic techniques and tirelessly searches for new possibilities of expression in monumental works as well as small graphics. He is inspired by ancient civilizations and cultures. He travels and teaches all over the world and has received numerous domestic and international awards for his work.

Let's reminisce about how it all started:



The Unique Pictures project is covered by the ADELI Foundation

ADELI Medical Center is an international rehabilitation center that specializes in the treatment of patients with neurological movement disorders.
Since its inception in 2004, more than 18,000 patients from 67 countries have received rehabilitation treatment here. The biggest advantages of ADELI Medical Center are its size and long-term experience, the combination of intensive rehabilitation in the range of 5-6 hours a day, 6 days a week with a whole team of therapists and a great family atmosphere welcoming a wide community of families with physically challenged members.
ADELI specializes in diagnoses such as cerebral palsy, strokes, conditions after severe head and brain injuries, genetic disorders and premature babies. From 2021 on, ADELI also offers a very successful post-covid rehabilitation program.

Don't have the capacity to buy a painting, but still want to help?

Patients with neurological diseases will also receive help with your 2% of taxes, a regular or one-time donation.